Hello Lovely!
I wanted to take this day to introduce to you all my most favorite girl in the world, and share her birth story.
On December 3, 2017 (Sunday) at around 11:00 p.m., I started having dull contractions. The contractions were tolerable enough to allow me to go to bed that night.
To be honest, I didn’t think they were anything more than Braxton Hicks. I’d been having them for the past two weeks. We had gone to the hospital twice in the hopes of bringing home a baby.
I was in labor what I thought was labor all day the previous Tuesday, and was sent home when my contractions didn’t progress past 6 minutes apart.
I had an OBGYN appointment that Thursday. My OB and I scheduled an induction for the following Friday (December 8). Justin and I decided to keep that information to ourselves because of our previous false alarms.
Fast forward to Monday, December 4, 2017 at 3:00 a.m. when I was awoken by intense pain.
Knowing I had done this to my husband and mother the previous week, I walked myself into the bathroom to wait out the contractions. I didn’t know if they’d progress or go away, and I wasn’t calling my mom to make the 90 mile journey again if it was only false labor.
I was tracking my contractions, they had gone from every 8 minutes to every 4 minutes within an hour and a half. At that point, I called the hospital. I wasn’t exactly sure how labor would go because I hadn’t went into labor on my own with Lewi, I had to be induced.
The nurse told me to get my husband up and drive straight to the hospital!
I packed Lewi’s bag, got all of our things together, and woke the boys up because it was baby time!!
Of course it was the morning of the first winter blizzard! Luckily, my mother-in-law was able to make the 70 mile trip to take Lewi home with her.
We arrived at the hospital at 5:23 a.m.. I was dilated to 7 cm.
We were checked into a delivery room right away. My team began to prep for the big show. I said goodbye to my sweet Lewi, holding back tears knowing it was the last time I would see him as my baby.
I required an epidural to keep me from pushing. I had been diagnosed with GBS earlier in my pregnancy and needed antibiotics before I could deliver.
By 7:00 a.m. I was fully dilated.
I needed two full doses of antibiotics through an IV before they would break my water. Even with the epidural, I had the urge to push the entire time. Luckily, my water stayed intact while I received fluids!
After the last dose, they got the OBGYN. She came in, broke my water, and left.
After the OB left the room, my nurse began prepping me with practice pushes. At this time I was dilated to 12 cm plus. I didn’t even know that was possible! I thought after 10 cm, you were done! Ha!!
It only took one practice push to get things rolling.
The doctor came back immediately, three contractions and six pushes later we had our Cece girl!
Cecelia Cassidee Magee was born December 4, 2017 at 10:33 a.m..
She weighed 6 pounds 12.6 ounces and was 19 inches long.
Just like that we had our little girl, and were a family of four.
We love her so much, and can’t wait to see who she grows up to be!