Happy Monday!
What a week it has been. What a weekend it has been! So you know, I started this post on Saturday, but with how busy our weekend was, I never had time to finish!
Oh my gosh, I don’t even know where to begin. So, if you remember my first post of the week I told you that one of our vehicles took a turn for the worst! Well… after a week of having one vehicle, we knew something needed to change!
Okay, okay.. I know a week isn’t that long.. but it is with a one year old that runs out of EVERYTHING at the same time! If I’m being completely honest, we’ve been planning on getting a new vehicle this year since some time last year. We just didn’t realize we’d need one so soon!
That’s why, we decided to start vehicle shopping on Saturday. We had one appointment scheduled and intentions of searching at another without an appointment. Of course these were just test drives. We went in with an open mind certain we were walking away with a Yukon-style body, and we did test drive a couple Yukon/Tahoe vehicles. By agreeing to keep an open-mind our salesman asked if we wanted to try a smaller style.
I had mixed feelings about a cross-over SUV, but agreed to it. With the bigger SUVs, Justin took to the driver’s seat and I stayed in the back with Lew. With the cross-over style, I got to take the reigns as chauffeur. We test drove two different styles before we fell in love with one. After that, everything became fairly easy and fell right into place.
We drove out of the lot with our new vehicle, went home to change, and then headed straight to the NDSU Men’s basketball game. They won in double over-time to the most nail-biting game I’ve ever had the experience of seeing firsthand. We were off to a GREAT weekend, and it didn’t end there.
After the game, we rushed home to meet our babysitter who had beat us back to our place. We celebrated a late Valentine’s with supper at a newly opened restaurant in town and I somehow got J to join me in the new Fifty Shades film. I was so surprised that he agreed to come! But, if I’m being honest, I liked this one more than the previous one. There was more of a story line, even if it was a little random. 🙂
Sunday was a good day. We went to Mass and enjoyed a good brunch sponsored by the local The Knights of Columbus chapter. We went downtown for some good blog material. And we finished the day with a trip to Costco and then the grocery store. The day was perfect running around in our new vehicle. It has definitely made it easier to change for different outfit posts!
On a side note, I never posted the third installment of the Lavender Scarf series and the reason for that is simple in that I am not proud of the outcome from that third outfit! I am going to do some reworking this week and hopefully there will be something up next week!
There will be a LOT of closet reworking in this next month or two after buying a new vehicle, the blog fund definitely comes after those payments.. so I am going to have to become REALLY creative. I’m not too worried, it’s more fun to have a challenge.
Anyway, it was a great weekend, and there will be a new outfit post out later today, so stay tuned!
xo, Tay