Hello Pumpkin! I hope you had a great weekend. We spent ours doing some Fall things, even though the weather tried to trick us into thinking it was July! On Saturday, the humidity was so thick you could have cut the air with a knife. Sunday was a 93 degree wave of miserable heat. We […]
7 Letterboard Ideas for Fall | September
Hello Pumpkin! Yeah, I like it. I’m keeping it until Thanksgiving. Life lately has been C-H-A-O-T-I-C to say the least. The anxiety of having to pack up this entire apartment and clean it top to bottom is frightening me. Our appraisal finally came through. We love that it was appraised for enough that our loan […]
A Personalized Gift for Mother’s Day
Hello Lovely! I’m trying something a little new by sending my post to you in the evening. If feedback is more negative than positive, posts will go back to the early A.M.. Today I am starting my “Gift Guide to Mother’s Day 2018.” There are more to come, but I wanted to start with the […]