Hello Lovely!
I’m getting a late start on following through with one of my most important goals for this year. Blogging. Blogging. Blogging.
Done are the days that this little spot on the inter web is just a hobby. Today marks day one of my 2020 goal to make this a full-time job.
If you guys follow along with my Instagram or know me in real life, you may know I started a job this last fall. The first job I’ve had since before Lewi was born. It didn’t last very long. The timing wasn’t right for my current life, commuting was taking a toll on my well-being and I had to make the decision to take a step back.
Fortunately, I did learn that I am capable of sitting on my computer 8-10 hours a day to get things done! This proved to me that I am fully qualified to make this my thing. My real thing. It’s what I love to do, why not make a career out of it?
With this said, I hope you’ll understand that there will be a LOT of content to come. Probably expect to see an email from TNDG three to four times a week. Lots of partnerships and affiliate links will grace this screen, but I will always let you know when I am compensating from a post. I also only say yes to brands and products that I actually like and use in real life! I would never push something on my readers that I didn’t fully support.
I hope that all makes sense and you’re just as excited as I am for this new year!
Let’s get on with it, shall we?
I am going to share some of my personal goals or “resolutions” with you all for this upcoming year. Nothing is blog related or in the health/fitness realm, you’re welcome.
5 Goals for 2020
- Girl, Get a Schedule Going.
I am not a very organized person in general. This is something I always wished to be different. One piece of advice I have held onto from a friend is “get the hardest thing out of the way first.” So every day, I need to get the most annoying, least exciting thing out of the way before I can do anything else. This is typically laundry. I have yet to make it a priority this year… oops.
- Don’t get wrapped up in thinking too much.
I think this can be a good piece of wisdom for most of us. But, this is something I struggle deeply with. My enneagram is type 5. I overthink every. single. detail. in life. It’s one of my biggest downfalls, and this year I’m going to work on knocking that the crap off.
- Stop worrying about the opinions of others.
Again, this could be a subcategory of the second goal, but it’s so big to me that it needs it’s own heading. Being authentically me has been a challenge. Instagram has been a soul-sucking force these past two years for me. Being completely myself has become foreign. So, I’m going to spend this year just figuring out who that girl is, and how much of her I really want to share with the internet.
- Say “yes” when you feel afraid to fail.
This year I want to completely challenge myself. I want to push my boundaries and see what I can truly do.
- Love Over Jealousy.
I’m going to practice channeling my envious emotions into inspiration and leave it at that. It’s important for all of us to remember that it’s okay to just be happy for other people. Wishing failure upon others is sad and really just puts your insecurities on display. I don’t fall into this often, but I have gone down that road before and it’s not cute.
That’s everything on my list and mind. Do you do yearly goals or resolutions? Let me know in the comments, and share some if you’re willing!