Today marks day one of the third week on my journey to healthy living.

Let’s review Week II:
It had become fairly easy to get down in the dumps and felt like I couldn’t continue one more minute. I need that brownie…. Just one.. What if it’s a black bean brownie? I can have it.. I know I can.. I won’t tell anyone..
Yeah. That’s how my week went. It was recommended to me to watch a film on Netflix called Hungry for Change, and it’s supposed to help me epiphanize my poor relationship with food.. that’s comforting.
No, seriously! It’s time to stop being so negative! I plan to watch the movie today and see if I can relate in anyway to the situations. (I hope that’s not the case!) But there is always a lesson to learn, so hopefully I can take something away!
My morning shakes don’t bore me at all. I actually still find them appetizing and that is super surprising!
Ordering from menus has gotten very easy, and feels good honestly.
It has become simple to only crave water and keep myself hydrated all day long!
I am starting to notice the slight differences in physical appearance and it motivates me to continue!
(Sorry that I don’t have any pretty pictures of my meals! I will work on that this week!)
xo, Tay